Around the table were representatives of the economic world such as consular chambers, federations and employers' organizations, intercluster, the regional cooperation department of the Government of New Caledonia as well as the President of the French Foreign Trade Advisors in New Caledonia.

During these exchanges, the Ambassador explained the conduct of the last elections in Fiji.
He mentioned business opportunities in the Fijian market for companies from New Caledonia and recalled Fiji's appetite for the presence of French and New Caledonian companies on their territory.

Its three development axes include: the creation of the "Franco Fijian business dialogue", a platform for exchanges on business opportunities with France, the presentation of Fijian economic opportunities and its support on the ground for New Caledonian companies with a desire to enter this market.

NCT&I discussed the upcoming 2019 calendar with a preparatory mission in February followed by an economic mission in June.

TO BE CONTINUED...Visit of the French Ambassador to Vanuatu on Thursday 6 December...