If deciding to export can be a rational and realistic decision for numerous companies, the process should not be taken lightly. Several steps need to be taken to be able to establish yourself on an external market and NCT&I supports you as part of your membership:

the pre-export diagnosis :

NCT&I conducts an interview to evaluate your company’s export capabilities and define its objectives on the international market.

Selecting an export target market :

Targeting an export market means taking numerous data and information about the target country, its current regulations,  (phytosanitary, prescriptive), the conditions of access,  the political and economic environment, sector-specific opportunities, useful contacts….) into account.

NCT&I regularly organizes “market opportunities” information meetings to give companies a better grasp of the whole set of data to consider before starting an export process.

Lääkkeiden hankinta verkosta on nykyään suosittu vaihtoehto niille, jotka arvostavat nopeutta ja mukavuutta. Kun haluat osta Cenforce ilman reseptiä, on tärkeää valita luotettava verkkokauppa, joka varmistaa tuotteiden laadun ja turvallisuuden. Hyvämaineiset palveluntarjoajat tarjoavat selkeää tietoa tuotteista ja helpon tilausprosessin. Päätös osta Cenforce ilman reseptiä antaa sinulle mahdollisuuden saada tarvitsemasi tuote nopeasti ja diskreetisti kotiovellesi, säästäen aikaa ja vaivaa. Tämä ratkaisu yhdistää turvallisuuden ja kätevyyden.

Services + NCT&I : a personalized diagnosis :

NCT&I v offers to its members a paid personalized diagnosis aiming to define your company’s export strategy by establishing criteria through the following action plan:

  • Analysis of the targeted country
  • Analysis of market opportunities
  • Competition analysis
  • Analysis of possible impediments to entry
  • Identifying business contacts

Prospecting :

Prospecting is an indispensable step before visiting, the prospecting phase regularly involves a communication campaign to evaluate the interest from targeted companies before you meet them.

NCT&I supports and/or represents you overseas:

  • Support or representation by the cluster during international fairs and showcases
  • Participation in economic missions organized by the cluster overseas (meetings, conferences, field visits…)
  • Integration into the economic component of economic diplomacy missions organized by the Government of New Caledonia.

Services + NCT&I :

NCT&I offers to organize individual economic missions for a fixed price (logistics, commercial prospecting, meetings with economic and institutional actors).

Preparing the first visit :

As part of the shipping process, you must check the quality of your shipping service (strength and presentation of your packaging, package marking, labelling, legal notices in English, selecting the forwarder and the means of transport, the expedition type permanent or temporary, certification procedures, business invoice, etc.).    

NCT&I regularly invites members to mutualize logistical export procedures for a first shipment or the participation in a showcase or an economic event.  

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Preparing the sales contract :

Before shipping goods, or any service provision on the international market, every exporter must produce a sales contract detailing the main costs and risks between the buyer and the seller. International sales contracts must adhere to the rules of international trade (Vienna Convention, incoterms, General Sales Conditions, writing of contract clauses…)

Funding :

Thanks to different industrial partners, the cluster supports you in the collection of information, the elaboration and the execution of your export assistance applications.