Tax exemption
It allows investors to benefit from a tax reduction in return for their participation to a project funding.
The investment must be one of a society (SA, SARL, SAS, individual company) settled in New-Caledonia. Thus, a foreign society can aspire to a tax exemption if she is the sole shareholder or a shareholder of a society under Caledonian or French law. “Holding”-type structures are not eligible for the fiscal aid. The investment must be one of the subsidiary of the holding which runs an activity in an eligible sector.
The sectors that are eligible for the aid are mainly: agriculture, fishing, transport (air, sea or land), construction, hospitality industry, industry, mines, etc. Sectors qualified as “sensitive” (fishing, transportation of people and fuel) need an agrément au “premier euro”. The funded investment must take the form of “an item of property, plant or equipment, new and depreciable”. Thus, intangible assets are excluded (patents, know-how…). The investment implies the acquisition or creation of items of equipment “permanent or sustainable; able to operate autonomously”.
Aid for equipment acquisition
This aid fosters material investments by covering part of the investments cost. This help is given by the Province and is made of a base rate and eventual increases. It cannot exceed 50%, except for microenterprises. The expense programme must be under 100 million CFP.
Aid for feasibility studies
This aid partially covers pre-investment studies costs: economic and juridical feasibility, technical studies, impact studies, safety diagnosis, public accessibility…The expense programme must be under a 100 million CFP.
Taw credit
It allows to promoters and investors to gain visibility on current and future investment programmes. There are several types:
Tax credit for direct and indirect investments in some economic sectors.
It allows to promoters and investors to gain visibility on current and future investment programmes. Besides, mainland France defiscalisation has also been renewed under the same deadlines and is thus another attractiveness factor.
Tax credit for investments made in companies with a mixt economy with participation of the “Province” or in joint venture capital mutual fund. These have the right to benefit from tax credit without prior approval but under certain conditions in terms of reinvestment of the funds raised (kinds, deadlines for reinvestment).
Aid for the acquisition of environmental friendly equipment
This aid corresponds to the investments in production systems of renewable energies, of energy and water saving and of sanitation. The expense programme must be under 100 million CFP.