Created in 2015, the “Avenir Export” Cluster (now named New-Caledonia Trade & Invest) had given itself a few months to emerge and establish itsel in international trade. In its second year of existence, the gamble was successful. 2016 was marked by the development of the cluster's network of partners, by encouraging success stories and above all by the government's commitment to New-Caledonia Trade & Invest.

Our first objective was to remove the psychological barrier to the ability of New Caledonian companies to export : something we have been doing since the lauch of the OSE (Orientation for an Export Strategy) on October 4, 2016. Recognized for its expertise, the cluster has found a place of choice and is at the heart of the system. New Caledonia Trade and Invest is now officially the support and operational point for the organization of the economic component of economic diplomaty missions.  

Of course, the success stories won by soe of the cluster's member companies are no stranger to this development. Several of them have made their export effors a reality in sectors such as innovation, services and the food industry. 

The cluster has expanded its network of partners : from the tools of the State such as the economic services of embasies, Business France or the consular chambers of the region.  

In 2020, with its 100 members, NCT&I has a wide representation of all economic sectors in New Caledonia. Participate as well as collaborative, the cluster intends to persue its mission of supporting and representing local economic players in their export efforts, despite the economic context of the COVID-19 crisis and closed borders.   

pierrick maury
President of the cluster New-Caledonia Trade & Invest