Paris International Agriculture Show
NCT&I, Neo-Caledonian government, Neo-Caledonian Agriculture Chamber, Craft and Artisans Chamber, Federation of Industries od New-Caledonia, New-Caledonia Tourisme Point Sud and Aircalin took part to Paris International Agriculture Show hold from February 24th to March 4th 2018. The products presented have been carefully selected over the territory, from Nouméa to the Islands: achards, jams, hibiscus infusion, liquors, niaouli essences, vanilla, essential oils, soaps, coffee, syrup, rum, bears, honey, punch, chocolate coffee bean… The booth got the visit of Annick Girardin, Overseas territories Minister, and of Stephane Travert, Agriculture and Alimentation Minister.
Very positive outcome: many contracts have been agreed allowing to find many clients and potential distributors, specialised in delicatessen. The actors of the event are considering a 2019 edition for which the part of private funding for the organisation of the Show would increase. Products and services from New-Caledonia have high potential on the French and European markets, as do the other French Overseas territories (ie: French Polynesia, La Reunion). It would be interesting to have an outlet for Caledonian products at the Maison de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Legend: Overseas territories Minister’s visit on the Neo-Caledonian booth.
Overseas territories Minister’s visit on the Neo-Caledonian booth.
- New-Caledonia Agriculture Chamber
Clément Gandet
« “New-Caledonia Agriculture Chamber (CANC) was part of this event with the NCT&I cluster. Historical partner of Paris International Agriculture Show, the CANC found that all the participants made fructuous sales. However, some products like shrimps, honey and dear met undeniable success among the visitors. This operation is to repeat because New-Caledonia must be represented on this International show, in order to maintain its international visibility”. ».
- Distillerie du Soleil
Philippe Bruot, manager
« Although the booth wasn’t optimally located, the SIA 2019 really allowed to assess the BtoC market behaviour and demand, and to better manage the selling prices of Caledonian products on the French market. Rhum Calédonie also raised a strong interest among rum professionals in France and in the French overseas territories. In the short-term, Caledonian rum has a high potential for commercialisation on the French market, and maybe on the European one. The presence of a delegation of professionals numerous legitimised the credibility of Caledonian products and services exposed on the booth».
Anne Demay, manager
« The invitation by the NCT&I cluster to participate to the SIA 2018 allowed to create many contacts, and qualitative ones. Indeed, the company “Douceur du Caillou” was put in relation with potential distributors for its achards and jams, like the well-known French catering company Le Nôtre. The negociations are very promising and would create undeniable opportunities for exportation on the French market.».
Sylvie Colliez, manager
« " Represented by Sylvie Colliez, “Nature plus” made excellent sales of its hibiscus-based products on the SIA 2018 organised by the cluster and its partners. Rapid contacts allowed her to build partnerships and to find seven new retail outlet in Paris, Lille and Lens. Mrs. Colliez is also negotiating with luxury hypermarkets which have twenty retail outlets over the French territory. The potential is huge and the manager is even thinking about opening a structure in mainland France, given the multiple opportunities. She also plans to participate to the next Food show of Taipei, but this time being represented by the cluster and benefiting from its services of representation».
- Maison de la vanilla des îles loyautés
Thomas Jondeau, mission head food processing pole
« The SIA 2018 is a grzat success in terls of vanilla from the îles Loyautés, comparing to previous years. The participation to the show thanks to the support of the NCT&I cluster allowed to promote the product, the vanilla sector in New-Caledonia, to create a sales revenues and above all to win international notoriety. The Maison de la vanille try to sell its surplus production and thus needs to find more foreign clients. The best reward would be that the Vanille des îles Loyautés wins an award from the SIA in order to get international recognition among distributors, chiefs, etc. and that would also promote the destination. It would be a real qualitative guarantee to increase our notoriety. During the Show, the Vanille des îles Loyauté got the chance to participate to meetings organised by NTC&I with journalists, specialised magazines, distributors, etc. Meetings were also the occasion to consolidate its relations with professionals from the sector and more particularly with a metropolitan distributor ».
- SEAFOOD 2018
Seafood de Bruxelles
For the operational support of its members (Pacific Tuna, Pescana on tuna export in the Asia-Pacific region and in Europe), NTC&I provided expertise for the organisation of the Fair “Seafood de Bruxelles” together with the Government od New-Caledonia, the ERPA and the Maritime Affairs Directorate.
The aim was to help the specialised members to participate to the international fair of the Seafood de Bruxelles, held between the 24 and 26 of April and which is the reference for seafood products. To do so, the tuna brand “Cap La Pérouse” was created in order to increase the visibility on the international market. A Caledonian delegation made of 6 people participated to the Seafood Expo Global de Bruxelles, key fair for professional encounters related to fishing and sea sectors, with around 1800 exhibitors from 150 countries.
Before the fair, the cluster had organised a programme of economic meetings between the Caledonian participants and potential French and Europeans importers and distributors present at the fair.
It was the occasion to promote the certified and labelled fishing technique, to make the taste quality of the Caledonian albacore tuna known, to develop a distribution network both on the fresh and frozen products (restaurants, supermarkets, hostels, importers, distributors, catering services, and seafood products markets).
Only 4 months after the Seafood de Bruxelles, more than 3 containers of frozen white tuna have been exported towards high-end French cannery (Belle Iloise, Connétable). The yearly volume of fresh tuna sent to France doubled thanks to the fair, allowing to promote the albacore tuna among the existing clients of GMS type (Carrefour, Super U, Metro).
Along with this exportation success, Caledonian maritime affairs and offshore fisheries work on the project of obtaining the label “sustainable fishing” allocated by FranceAgriMer.
This “sustainable fishing” label corresponds to the sector’s wish to show a public sign of quality, allowing to add value to the French fishing products. Easily recognisable by consumers, it differs from the existing private ecolabels by being based on a complete definition of sustainable fishing, which includes environmental, economical and social requirements.
Marion Habault, manager
Marion Habault went to the Esxence fair in Italy in April 2018, key international reference for perfume creators. She was put in relation by NTC&I throught its partner NCTPS and could benefit from the support of Barbara Mauro from Nouvelle-Calédonie Tourisme Italie as soon as she arrived. The NTC&I cluster also used its partners network to put in contact Marion Habault with Alberto Frescura from Business France Italie, who was a key asset for the operational support on the spot. Since the beginning of the exportation procedures, Coral Cosmetic’s is synonym of success and innovation. Indeed, our Caledonian “nose” has the project to create a Pacific perfume and wants to mix the regional essences like Wallis-and-Futuna Ylang-Ylang from, Vanuatu pepper, New-Zealand lavender, or Tahitian tiare flower. Her projects never stop and she has been invited to take part to the Fashion Week in October, and to export to Taiwan in order to create a perfume range with fashion brands, related to tourism.
The Employers' Representation of the South Pacific organised the Pacific Business Days from 20 to 22 March in Papeete. The NCT&I cluster, accompanied by a delegation of 13 business leaders, participated in this event and organised economic meetings in parallel to this forum. The objective of this mission was to strengthen the links of collaboration and cooperation between New Caledonian economic actors and the 15 countries present in order to contribute to the economic development of our territories in the Pacific. The many contacts with representatives of the private and public sectors have led to the creation of encouraging prospects in the sectors of the environment, mining, construction, hydrology, water resources, geotechnics, construction, renewable energies, digital, processing, training, tourism, agri-foodstuffs...
Here are some examples of success stories of NCT&I cluster members following PBD's :
Yann Lozach, export and logistics manager of the group
« Thanks to the NCT&I cluster, the Socalait group was one of the companies represented by the cluster at the Pacific Business Days in Papeete in March 2018. The group's export projects and the many contacts established during these two economic missions have led to real opportunities to increase export volume. To date, Socalait has increased its ice cream export to French Polynesia and has won three new multi-product customers in the Vanuatu market ».
here are some examples of success stories of NCT&I cluster members following the PBD's :
The society Azur Piscines
Our member company Azur Piscines, leader in the manufacture of swimming pools in New Caledonia and main importer of accessories, maintenance products, filtration equipment, lighting, robots ... has benefited from a representation of its company and its products in French Polynesia. On the fringe of the PBD's in Papeete, the cluster had organised numerous economic meetings with potential importers and distributors of swimming pools and accessories.
Beyond the investigations undertaken in French Polynesia, the company Azur Piscines commissioned the cluster to carry out a prospecting study on Vanuatu. This study allowed to better understand the Vanuatu market and to develop a partnership with a local importer and to achieve a turnover.
The society Skazy
Benefiting from a programme of meetings organised by the cluster on the fringes of Tahiti's PBD's, Skazy met with numerous digital players as well as many representatives from the private sector. These meetings allowed Skazy to concretize several projects with local partners, including: a market with the Bank of Tahiti, the marketing of a medical software ASCELTIOS, software used by doctors, and the deployment of argus.nc in Polynesia. Finally, Skazy has created a joint venture with a local partner, Tahiti numérique, to deploy Skazy's offerings in Polynesia. This partner enables Skazy to respond to different markets in Polynesia.
Géocal a profité de ce déplacement aux PBD’s de Tahiti pour rencontrer de nombreux interlocuteurs spécialisés dans la géolocalisation par GPS et de gestion de flotte pour les professionnels et particuliers. L’objectif de cette mission est de trouver un partenaire local pour la création d’une joint-venture. En juin 2018, les négociations commerciales sont en cours de discussion.
Eloy water
Eloy water took part in the economic mission during the PBD's last March. Thanks to the NCT&I cluster, it benefited from a complete programme of economic and institutional meetings which led to the creation of a subsidiary Eloy Water French Polynesia.
Relocation of three companies of the NCT&I cluster
President Macron's speech in May 2018
Didier Lille of Bluecham SAS at the Sydney Opera House on the occasion of President Macron's presidential mission to Australia in May 2018
BLUECHAM SAS, a member of NCT&I, was part of the presidential mission to Australia as part of the national economic delegation that took place over three days in Sydney from 1 to 3 May 2018. The BLUECHAM company is developing skills in maritime and coastal surveillance and projects in Australia. It is in this context, and on the proposal of NCT&I, that the protocol department of the President of the Republic contacted BLUECHAM.
Didier Lille, CEO, was thus invited to participate in the economic delegation, mainly from metropolitan France, and the contacts on the spot were numerous and positive. Didier Lille was able to discuss with the Minister of Research and the President's advisers, with the aim of encouraging the identification of innovative New Caledonian companies in the field of the knowledge economy. Informal exchanges with Australian nationals on the Qëhnelö™ technology, developed exclusively in New Caledonia for the past ten years and awarded fourteen times, confirmed that there was strong interest in its use for maritime applications. There is no doubt that this journey will foster new prospects.
Laurent Lebrun, Group Chief Executive Officer
« Two New Caledonian business leaders have been invited to accompany the President of the Government of New Caledonia, Philippe Germain, to Sydney to take part in the State visit of the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron.
The concept of the Indo-Pacific Axis was developed by the President of the Republic and is being implemented on the economic side through contracts between French and Australian companies. The main contract is to equip the Australian Navy with French-designed submarines, won by Naval Group. The major companies concerned, including SAFRAN and THALES, were represented at the highest level. The total value of the contract is $50 billion and will be executed over several decades.
This participation enabled us to show that the proximity of New Caledonia and Australia was an asset for these companies and their subcontractors recently or on the verge of setting up in Australia on a long-term basis. Indeed, this proximity should allow New Caledonian skills to express themselves within the framework of these contracts. Another opportunity for the country is to constitute a French-speaking back base for these companies whose expatriate staff will wish to find a French-speaking executive from time to time to rest and relax. A specific niche market is therefore to be prospected ».
Thibault de Saint Vaulry, « FNS Sales & Marketing Manager ».
« SLN responded to the invitation of the NCT&I cluster to participate in Emmanuel Macron's presidential trip to Australia. The Société Le Nickel was keen to raise the President's awareness of the promotion of the principles of circular economy and the sharing of values, messages already relayed at the highest level of the State by the President. The latter recently declared during his visit to the American Congress and repeated it in Sydney: « There is no planet B ».
Being able to promote the LNS project within the Delegation demonstrates that mining companies are also part of this movement. This trip also provided an opportunity to meet some Australian officials and local actors who could provide local support ».
Frédéric Martin, « Slag recovery » project manager
« For the past year, SLN has been able to benefit from the economic and institutional network of the NCT&I cluster to achieve in April 2018 the first shipment of 24,500 tonnes of SLAND (Ferronickel slag) for the first export to Vanuatu. The objective is to recycle the slag in the airport's upgrading works and the "Ring Road project", financed by the ADB and the World Bank. This is an undeniable environmental success for Vanuatu, as the use of slag avoids the need for the Vanuatu government to use sea sand, and for SLN it is the realisation of an export and the valorisation of the slag ».
First Shipment of Ferronickel Slag to Vanuatu
Eric Lafitte, Director
« At the beginning of 2018, Arbé went on a prospecting mission to Vanuatu with a program of economic meetings in the construction sector organized by the NCT&I cluster. This enabled Arbé to understand the construction market, its players and benefit from multiple qualitative meetings to consider the creation of a structure on the spot to be able to respond to calls for tenders issued by donors such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, JICA, etc..
The main donors in Vanuatu are very interested in the high level of competence and competitiveness of Arbé, a company specialized in civil engineering.
Numerous projects will be launched in the short and medium term in the field of civil engineering in Vanuatu (renovation of the airport, construction of numerous quays, renovation of recent constructions that do not comply with seismic and cyclonic standards, etc.).
The establishment of Arbé in Port-Vila can only be achieved through the creation of a partnership with a Vanuatu company specializing in construction and public works ».
Thanks to multiple contacts with its institutional partners in the Pacific, the NCT&I cluster has managed to obtain a list of tenders in the Pacific zone and has thus distributed them to its members. ICNC was thus able to position itself on tenders, particularly in Vanuatu and also by putting NCT&I in contact with Jean-Claude Dinne. The JK structure product, because of its seismic and para-cyclonic qualities, is perfectly suited to the climatic problems of Vanuatu and more generally the Pacific. ICNC was therefore able to respond to the call for tenders from the Relais de la Francophonie in Port Vila, and to put together the dossier with an architect in order to respond to the call for projects. Innovation chantier NC was also put in contact with a prime contractor in Vanuatu and three contacts of builders, one of whom would be interested in becoming a reseller of the JK structure process. The cluster helped to obtain various contacts for exchanges on the New Zealand and Australian markets.
Within the framework of an export project of a drinking water treatment unit in Fiji, the Calédonienne des Eaux has benefited from a market study by the cluster to better understand the creation of a sister structure in Fiji.
Following this study, an individual economic mission was organised by NCT&I for the CDE in order to benefit from a programme of meetings with the main institutional players including the French Ambassador in Fiji, SEM Sujiro Seam and various private sector players including banks, insurance companies and chartered accountants for the finalisation of their company project.C
Thanks to multiple contacts with its institutional partners in the Pacific, the NCT&I cluster has managed to obtain a list of tenders in the Pacific zone and has thus distributed them to its members. ICNC was thus able to position itself on tenders, particularly in Vanuatu and also by putting NCT&I in contact with Jean-Claude Dinne. The JK structure product, because of its seismic and para-cyclonic qualities, is perfectly suited to the climatic problems of Vanuatu and more generally the Pacific. ICNC was therefore able to respond to the call for tenders from the Relais de la Francophonie in Port Vila, and to put together the dossier with an architect in order to respond to the call for projects. Innovation chantier NC was also put in contact with a prime contractor in Vanuatu and three contacts of builders, one of whom would be interested in becoming a reseller of the JK structure process. The cluster helped to obtain various contacts for exchanges on the New Zealand and Australian markets.
Gilles Guillier, Manager
« As part of the deployment of Colas New Caledonia and Colas Australia's activities in the Pacific, Colas NC took part in an economic mission to Fiji organized by the cluster in order to gain a better understanding of current projects and meet with donors who are very interested in the prospect of having an international company operating on the Fijian market. A second more operational mission will be organised during July to better understand the opportunities of creating a subsidiary type structure in Fiji.
Colas NC and Australia carried out a prospecting mission in New Zealand in May in conjunction with this mission. Colas NC accompanied the Delegate for New Caledonia, Mr. Yves Lafoy, with the main objective of purchasing a company specializing in public works ».
On 15 January, the company Biscochoc and the Indonesian importer PT Polaris Metro Persada signed a memorandum of understanding, in the presence of Philippe Germain, at the Government of New Caledonia. This signing took place in the presence of representatives of the Indonesian Consulate, NCT&I, economic players and representatives of employers' federations. This partnership is proof that the export initiatives undertaken alongside the NCT&I cluster are bearing fruit. The Biscochoc company is widening its field of export action, while consolidating the one already established in Japan, Vanuatu, China and French Polynesia.
Signature of the M.O.U to the Government of New Caledonia
BLUECHAM SAS, member of NCT&I, wins in Kuala Lumpur the global award "See a better world 2018". It is to date the fourteenth international award won by the Caledonian company. It was awarded by the space agency DigitalGlobe, world leader in Very High Resolution satellites, on 15 May 2018. The original text is as follows: "Emergency response in French Polynesia floods - modelling flooding, log jams and saving lives". This award is special because it represents the jury's favorite, "See a better world" is indeed the slogan of the space agency.
BLUECHAM was in competition with all DigitalGlobe's partner companies in Asia. It rewarded the ability of BLUECHAM's "Emergency Analysis Service / SAU" team to use satellites to assist the rescue teams in Tahiti during the violent floods in January 2017. The quality of the analysis information, transmitted extremely quickly to the authorities, made it possible to intervene in a targeted and efficient way, to direct the interventions and to evaluate the impacts.
The President of the "ASIA" Jury, the Managing Director of DigitalGlobe Australia, the representative of Singapore and member of the Jury
- New Caledonian Innovative BLUECHAM SAS
The technology developed by Bluecham aims to help public collectivities, manufacturers and research programs take environmental decisions. In New Caledonia, one of its main clients is the Municipality of Yaté, adjacent to Vale’s hydrometallurgical plant. Very quickly, the companies look to expand its activities internationally, “a prerequisite for the company to grow and maintain high-quality standards” sums up Rémi Andreoli. With regional markets as its targets, Bluecham participated in the government’s economic diplomatic missions in Vanuatu, New Zealand and Australia in 2016. The company intends to continue its prospecting efforts in the Pacific and wishes to put its expertise at the service of New Caledonia’s institutions to a greater extent than it currently does.
Two awards for Bluecham © Le Mag du Gouv
Geocal is awarded a contract to equip the Government of Vanuatu’s 400 vehicles with GPS in October 2017
As part of the economic and diplomatic missions organized by the Government of New Caledonia in 2016 and 2017, Geocal has been able to establish strong links with Ni-Vanuatuan institutions and signed a partnership agreement for the sale and installation of GPSs in Government vehicles.
Excerpt from the Daily News, 28 October 2017
“Chairman Mahe says the main emphasis for installing the GPS in government vehicles is to control the use of the vehicles and stop the rampant misuse of government vehicles that had plagued governments-after-governments over the years especially with high fuel and maintenance costs. The aim is to reduce the Vt2 million costs to government annually through misuse of the vehicles. With this system PSC will not hesitate to discipline staff who misused government vehicles,” he emphasized. The government vehicles on Efate, Santo, Lakatoro and Tanna will be the first to be fitted with GPS followed by those in the provincial centres of Sola and Ambae with the job by Geocal Limited expected to be completed in February 2018.”
The President of the Public Service Commission, Martin Mahe (third from the right) presents the check to Xavier Dolacinski for the payment of the fee associated with the installation of GPS systems in the Government of Vanuatu’s vehicles © Jonas Cullwick du Daily Post
- ELLIPSE CONSULTING : Cyrille Berhault, embracing the North with open arms
From the August issue of CCI Info
« Associate manager of the LLC Ellipseconsulting created in 2006 to meet the increasing needs of international companies trying to develop their activities or establish offices in in New Caledonia, Cyrille Berhault is technical adviser to the CCI since 2015. In 2006, Cyrille Berthault used his expertise to create Ellopseconsulting, with his wife, Johanna. The company offers to act as “an intermediary for companies seeking to establish themselves in New Caledonia.” In late 2007, as a part of the Koniambo Nickel project, Ellipse Consulting worked with the plant’s management team and its contractors to settle employees in the VKP area. In 2009, the Berthaults moved to Koné where they established the company’s headquarters while keeping an office in Nouméa.”
- 3P
Arnaud Gosse, Manager
“Pacific Plastic Profile was a part of NCT&I’s delegation which visited Wallis and Futuna between 11-13 October 2017. 3P has been exporting to Wallis for 14 years. However, this mission was an opportunity to identify a new client and finalize an order for PVC panels.”
Bertrand Lacroix, Manager
“The New Caledonian SME Aqualone, specialized in irrigation was praised in Paris. Nicolas Hulot’s former foundation, renamed Foundation for Nature and Mankind (FNH) singles out environment-friendly projects every year. This year, Aqualone won the People’s Choice Award and will be featured in a communication campaign broadcasted on a private national radio station.”
Congratulation to Aqualone on winning the Service Prize during the first Technovations at the Tech & Bio Showcase in France.
Aqualone 1000, won awards at the last Irrigation Show 2015 in Las Vegas, as the best irrigation invention. The objective is to manage to preserve the world’s water resources. This system allows the automation of all irrigation systems from the simplest to the most sophisticated, without electricity or programming. Our product is much more efficient from an economic and environmental standpoint than any existing electronic programing system on the market. It is already available and installed in the Asia-Pacific region to fight significant drought and water-access problems. Aqualone is exporting, and it’s only the beginning! For example, Melbourne will be using Aqualone on its green walls. Nouméa will also be using the system on its sports fields to reduce its water-related spending. The City Council will use this project to compete for the territorial prize at next year’s Mayors Congress.
Julien Cozzi, Manager
“Established in New Caledonia for more than ten years, Alphalog specializes in developing solutions for companies through the creation of websites, customized software and internet mobile solutions. Aqualog serves a variety of clients ranging from freelance workers to large administrations. Alphalog was represented among the 30 CEO delegation that participated in the economic mission to Vanuatu from July 12-14 2017, which was the opportunity to meet with Ni-Vanuatu companies to discuss the various computer related issues they are facing such as the management of outstanding payments, electronic signatures, sending bulk e-mails or the creation of mobile applications. The combination between Aqualog’s previous experience in Pacific Islands and the contacts established during the mission thanks to NCT&I is a strong indication that the future is bright for the company, which continues to prospect in New Caledonia and abroad.”
Hélène Duquesnoy, Head of Export
“After several participation to the Foodex Japan through NCT&I , 2017 enabled Biscochoc to establish contacts with a very interesting clientele , at the heart of the Asian markets, in such countries as Korea, China, or Taiwan. The momentum created by NCT&I during the showcase enabled Biscochoc to strengthen its contacts on the Asian market. The multiple trips abroad led to an 85% increase in revenue on the Japanese market, mainly due to the development of products under new packaging for a new client, and the finalization of the first Chinese order. Foodex Japan has become an unmissable event for Biscochoc to maintain business relations with its existing customers.”
Gérard Boniface,Manager
“The economic mission to Vanuatu organized by NCT&I from 12-14 July 2017 enabled Boniface Acma to benefit from a customized meeting schedule. The company participated in a workshop organized by the cluster, gathering more than 60 people representing the institutions and the Government of Vanuatu, Vanuatu’s Chamber of Commerce and Industries, the Melanesian Spearhead Group, and entrepreneurs from the food, health, digital technology, education sectors, among others.
Field visits enabled us to grasp Vanuatu’s economic realities and evaluate potential future projects. Booniface Acma is pursuing its prospecting process in Vanuatu and seeks to expand it to the Pacific region at large. “
Xavier Benoist
“A delegation composed of members of New-Caledonia Trade & Invest, the Federation of Industries, and New Caledonia’s Chamber of Commerce and Industries, participated in an economic mission in Vanuatu from July 12-14. This delegation included more than 30 CEOs from the agriculture, construction, digital technology, food, textile, consumer goods, real estate, logistics, and engineering and innovation sectors. This visit enabled the strengthening of institutional links with Vanuatu thanks to meetings organized by NCT&I. Bluescope Steel opened the doors of its holding in Vanuatu to the New Caledonian delegation and presented its facilities and the products offered on the Ni-Vanuatu market.
NCT&I also organized an economic mission to Wallis and Futuna from 11-13 October 2017. Bluescope Steel was represented in the delegation which included 14 CEOs and representatives of New Caledonian professional organizations (CPME-NC, FINC). Contacts established during the mission led to the initiation of commercial procedures.
Thanks to NCT&I’s actions and these two economic missions, Bluescope Steel was able to strengthen its contacts and its presence in the Pacific. The idea of mutualizing freight resources between New Caledonia and Wallis and Futuna with the company 3P, also a member of the cluster, was discussed to enhance New Caledonian companies’ price competitiveness….”
Yannick Couete, General Manager
“After receiving an official request from Austrade relative to the organization of an agricultural economic mission to New Caledonia, NCT&I contacted the Chamber of Agriculture to have a better understanding of its members’ needs as well as of the existing partnership opportunities with Australian agriculture professionals. The mission’s logistical challenges required NCT&I and CANC to be reactive and they did rise to meet that challenge. The synergy created between New Caledonian institutional and agricultural stakeholders enabled the assessment of the state of affairs in the sector to tackle the issues identified by New Caledonia’s Chamber of Agriculture such as water cycle management, animal genetics, food self-sufficiency, phytosanitary protection, field crops, , seeds, training. Avenues of cooperation with Australia have been identified thanks to the work undertaken by the cluster and its partners”.
Patrick Christian, Manager
A delegation composed of members of New-Caledonia Trade & Invest visited New Zealand from 26-30 July 2017 as a part of an economic mission. The delegation included 15 CEOs from various sectors such as agriculture, tourism, construction, digital technologies, the food industry, consumer goods, engineering, renewable energies and innovation. Chicken Greg benefited from an institutional and economic meeting schedule as well as field visits organized in advance by NCT&I.
Chicken Greg met privately with Laura Torrebruno, economic adviser to the Ambassador of France in Wellington. The company discussed its aspirations on the New Zealand market and obtained information about procedures and key steps in New Zealand.
Chicken Greg met two major New Zealand suppliers offering to support the construction of industrial henhouses. In Bromley, Chicken Greg found a real partner and provider of eggs to hatch. Thanks to NCT&I’s prospection efforts and the fruitful meetings they organized, a joint-venture started between a New Caledonian and a New Zealand company. This partnership will continue in 2018, Bromley New Zealand will train the future New Caledonian henhouse operators.
Baptiste Faure, Secretary General
“CPME-NC has been a member of NCT&I for the last two years and has found an ideal partner in the cluster to support its ambition to grow its membership base in the Pacific region.
The CPME-NC met privately with Laura Torrebruno, economic adviser to the Ambassador of France in Wellington. The company discussed its aspirations on the New Zealand market and obtained information about procedures and key steps in New Zealand.
NCT&I is an invaluable asset for our members and our economy’s outreach thanks to the information they provide on regional markets, their logistical support during showcases and the economic missions they organize in neighboring countries.”
Christopher Lorho, Manager and Co-founder
« Easy Skill developed its export activities on the Australian and Papuan market in 2017.
In Papua New Guinea, Easy Skill has been active in the oil, gas, liquid gas and mining sectors. Its activities are organized around 3 areas of expertise: technical assistance, Engineering, and recruiting. About 10 consultants are currently working in Papua New Guinea at the moment. Some auxiliary, yet important services were developed such as a customized service for visa and work permit applications (currently around 20 visas and 20 work permits are treated each month).
Thanks to its presence on the ground, Easy Skill was able to finalize commercial partnerships with PUMA, Newcrest and Total. Easy Skill participates in the Steering Group Papua New Guinea created by the cluster upon request from the members of the Total project. Easy Skill needs NCT&I’s network. Indeed, this synergy and mutualizing of resources are additional assets for New Caledonian companies seeking to participate in the Total project.
In 2018, Easy Skill was hired as a subcontractor by Newcrest for a two-year maintenance shutdown support project on an industrial unit, following a call for tender.
In Australia, Easy Skill has had an office in Brisbane since 2014 and opened another one in Adelaide in August 2017. The opening of the second office is a response to the needs of the Future Submarine Program (FSP) whose contract was won by the French company Naval Group. Easy Skill offers all the services it does in New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea in its offices in Australia. Another contract for the construction of frigates in the Pacific is ongoing and should be awarded in June 2018. These two projects, worth a combined 85 Million AUD will create 10 000 new jobs in South Australia. Although getting visas and work permits is more difficult in Australia, qualified defense experts are still welcome. In Brisbane, our teams are working hard on a daily basis to find new projects, in addition to those ongoing in the oil and gas sector.
Richard Georget, Manager
Geoscan participated in the economic missions organized by NCT&I in Vanuatu and New Zealand. These first export missions enabled Geoscan to have a better understanding of the calls for tender, in the construction sector, meet the economic stakeholders and better appreciate the existing regulatory constraints.
Therefore, GEOSCAN was able to establish strong relationships with major Ni-Vanuatu and New Zealand companies and bid for international tenders.
Founded in 2012, INBUSOL is an IT service company with expertise in printing and e-mail control. After developing on the New Caledonian market, it naturally turned towards international opportunities to expand its activities in the Pacific.
INBUSOL selected French Polynesia because of geographic proximity, language and currency similarities, a similar administrative organization and the presence of major companies with shared boards between New Caledonia and French Polynesia.
“French Polynesia currently represents 40% of our revenues and even if it was difficult at the beginning ( export actions fully financed on personal funds and private contributions), we are delighted with the results which safeguards the company from the economic crises which have affected New Caledonia.”
In 2016, INBUSOL joined NCT&I which supports its ambition to conquer the Australian market.
“ NCT&I’s support and its knowledge of the English-speaking world , where the business culture is significantly different is a key asset in this endeavor.” INBUSOL is a member of CPME NC and is responsible for the cluster’s export strategy.
Sylvie Brier, Communication and Marketing Officer
« Nord Avenir works in collaboration with NCT&I since 2015 as part of its prospections actions aimed at finding new export markets for its holdings. The partnership has been fruitful in terms of market data support, contacts with pre-identified actors or logistical and commercial support during economic missions. NCT&I’s teams are responsive and a source of proposals, that is the reason why Nord Avenir renewed its partnership with the cluster in 2018.
Philippe Gervolino, General Manager
The OPT was represented among a 30 CEO delegation during an economic mission organized in Vanuatu from 12-14 July 2017. A wide variety of sectors were represented in the delegation such as agriculture, construction, digital technologies, the food industry, textile, consumer goods , real estate, logistics , engineering and innovation.
The various meetings organized by NCT&I strengthened the existing links with Vanuatu.
Dominique Vouille, Deputy General Manager
“SICA, Nord Avenir’s feedstuff producer participated in an economic mission to Wallis and Futuna organized by NCT&I from 11-13 October 2017. The meetings with companies and economic stakeholders enabled SICA to better understand the local markets, duty regulations, as well as logistical issues arising in Wallis.
Field trips and B2B meetings enabled SICA to envision possibilities in the pig industry notably with dealers but also with other industry stakeholders as well. SICA was able to gauge the importance of the sector and consider possible opportunities with emerging actors.”
Yann Lozach, Export and Logistics officer
Thanks to the operations organized by NCT&I in 2017, Socalait was put in contact with potential importers and benefited from NCT&I’s support during showcases in its endeavor to find new markets in Australia and New Zealand. The Socalait Group was given an opportunity to promote its new brands on the international market and send its first samples.
Frédéric Martin, “Slags Upgrading” Project Manager
“In 2017, SLN focused on exporting slags most notably on the Australian and Ni-Vanuatu market. In Australia, the main objective was to use showcases to promote our products. The SLN also undertook market studies. To increase its efficiency, the SLN created a Legal Department and recruited a Sales Representative.
In Vanuatu, the SLN used NCT&I’s networks to establish contacts with Ni-Vanuatu institutional and industrial actors. Ni Vanuatu authorities seek to forbid the sampling of beach sand and protect natural sand. Slags are now recognized as a suitable aggregate for construction and should be a competitive solution in terms of price.
The SLN submitted offers for projects financed by the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), like Port Villa Airport. NCT&I supports the SLN in its prospecting procedures by establishing the necessary contacts to finalize expected contracts relating to the airport project in 2018.
Carold Vassilev, Manager
Teeprint participated in the two economic missions to Vanuatu organized by the cluster NCT&I in 2017. The objective was to find a Ni-Vanuatu partner for a joint-venture. This joint-venture became a reality through the sales point Teeshop and the establishment of a Pacific Print Office in 2018 to create a production unit in Port Villa in 2019.
FCTE, la Forêt de Mou
Taichi Furukawa, Manager of the Franco-Japanese company S-tym, supports NCT&I’s members In their exportation procedures to Japan as well as through the organization of events ( food, crafts, cosmetics) alongside the GIE NCTPS. These NCTPS 2017 events, focused on Japanese taste, enabled the promotion of Sandro Cargnelli’s “Authentic Taste” range.
Products from FCTE’s Authentic Taste range
NCT&I‘s member benefited from a dedicated sales area to promote New Caledonian products and hopefully increase their export revenue.
For example, products like honey, punch, acars, chili, coffee and jams, liquors, chocolates registered the following results between September and December 2017: 885 products were sold which generated revenues of over one million XPF. After 4 months, these products generated more than one Million Yen. NCTPS also benefited from NCT&I’s support to promote New Caledonia as a tourist destination in the Japanese media.
Meeting with members -in partnership with NCTPS
4 Japanese journalists were invited to spend a few days in New Caledonia by NCTPS, their visit was focused on gastronomy. NCT&I organized visits and tastings: honeys from la Fôret de Mou, chocolates from Boscochoc, rhum from La Distillerie du Soleil as well as ice creams and sorbets from la Sorbetière.
Honey tasting in Frédéric Chatelain’s laboratory with Taich, NCT&I and NCTPS. © NCT&I
Visit of Biscochoc’s factory, followed by a tasting, The day ended with a tasting at La Sorbetière in l’Anse Vata © NCT&I
2016 was full of export success stories for New Caledonian companies. NCT&I supported its members and participated in their successes. Here are a few examples:
- France Calédonie Tropic Export
“Thanks to Avenir Export, we participated in Foodex and met several interesting prospects through our products. We have started exporting our products to Japan.”
- Biscochoc
« Our participation in Foodex enabled us to establish a commercial relationship with possible partners in China and Vietnam. Even more importantly, we doubled our revenue in Japan. In the last two years, our revenue has increased by 140% on the Japanese market.
- Socolait
“The group is already doing well in terms of exportations. Following the shipping of a 20’ Reefer container in June 2016 to Papeete, a 20’ Dry container was sent to Wallis-and-Futuna. The company expects to export 100 000 liters of Ice Cream or six 20’ Reefer per year! After the success of its previous exports operations, the group seeks to continue developing its market shares in the Pacific region (Vanuatu, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand and China).”
- La Périgiourdine du Pacifique
“After 2 years of work and investment efforts by the cannery, the first container of cooked vacuumed- packed pork ribs sailed to Sydney in April 2016. This operation should be renewed periodically, on a contractual basis, starting with 9 containers the first year with the long-term objective of doubling that number. This operation also enabled the discovery of a new fabrication process which will soon be used locally, notably for fifth grade products in agriculture. The cannery seeks to develop its products in a circular fashion that benefits everyone. “
- Consortium Eau Calédonien
“Following the visit of a New Caledonian delegation to Vanuatu as part of an economic mission organized by Avex, and to respond to Vanuatu’s needs in terms of water resources several New Caledonian companies with expertise in environment mutualized their resources to implement an evaluation strategy, monitoring support and sustainable resource distribution modalities, before handing the reins to local authorities. This consortium was presented by Charlot Salwai, Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu, during his visit to New Caledonia last May.”
- Aqualone
AQUALONE was represented in California at the Irrigation Show 2015 and won the award for Best Irrigation Invention. This cheap and easy to use irrigation management control system saves at least 40 % more water than other existing systems. It is intuitive, adaptable to any climate and does not require energy or maintenance. It is able to manage any kind of agriculture, both earth and earth-less. Additionally, it increases productivity while bringing fewer diseases.
- Blue Cham
Bluecham – spearhead of New Caledonian innovation keeps inspiring others outside of New Caledonia. The company specialized in land and maritime monitoring through satellite images and the conception of decision-making tools, recently received several awards: the Technical Excellence Award for Pacific Countries 2015, awarded by SIBA (the Spatial Industries Business Association, Australia) in October, as well as the Best Start-Up Business Award, a month earlier during a Smart Cities Business Forum organized by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industries in Australia.
- Forêt de Mou
“Honey acts as a springboard for organic products. It can not only be exported but it is also an asset for tourism,” insists Frédéric Chatelain, Manager of Forêt de Mou. “New Zealand did it, they sold their natural environment to promote tourism. Nowadays, industrial honey has become so widespread that organic honey is often forgotten. In New Caledonia, we have the necessary capabilities to triple our production of 100 % natural and organic honey.
Avex supports small companies in their exports ventures. Thanks to international showcases like Japan’s Foodex, we are able to promote our land farming method and our company culture based on sharing. Thanks to Avenir Export, we have just established a niche market in Japan, with a product recognized as “Raw Honey” by the Japanese government. The next step is to teach consumers the difference between natural and industrial honey. We are pursuing our promotional efforts through communication campaigns and our participation in farmers markets. Avex is a permanent and important support throughout this process”
- Thésée Ingénierie
Thésée Ingénierie was selected by the Government of New Caledonia to develop an innovative project in Vanuatu. The company is also supported by France through the Pacific Fund 2016. This fund covers the costs for the preliminary studies for a project aiming to provide drinkable water to three communities (Nguna, Pele and Lenakel). Thésée Ingénierie’s project is articulated around three main aspects (technical, sociological, financial) to provide long term water supply to these communities thanks to a public/private partnership.
This first market in Vanuatu will enable the company to establish a holding by the end of 2016. This holding, Vanuatu Ingénierie will undertake water management studies and help communities find international funding to finance the necessary works.
Thésée Ingénierie aims to develop locally by creating long term jobs. Thésée Ingénierie seeks to create other holdings in the Pacific to continue to bring New Caledonian expertise to local communities while training them in the process.
- Géocal Fleet
Géocal is a New Caledonian company specialized in mobile geo-tracking solutions.
Thanks to its expertise, the company offers innovative systems which are exported to France’s Overseas Departments and Territories.
Since its creation in 2009, the company has found its place in New Caledonia’s market by offering a technologically advanced geo-tracking system, Geocal fleet, capable of localizing all kinds of vehicles in real time from a computer or a smartphone, as well as recording drivers’ driving parameters to optimize travel and reduce accidents. “We have also developed a system capable of locating employees working in isolated areas, to ensure their safety, “ explains Geocal’s manager, Karim Morghati. Géocal also offers an anti home-jacking, included with the GPS beacon, which only allows the driver to start the vehicle after they identified themselves by composing a code made of several numbers. This system has multiple advantages. The vehicle can be located, it cannot be stolen and the driver can identify themselves through Géocal’s application, Geocal fleet.
Géocal’s exports its expertise beyond New Caledonia. “we started offering our geo-tracking services in French Polynesia in August 2015 thanks to a contractor who represents us locally. Our products are also available in French Guyana. Since November, “explains Karim Morghati. Finding international markets is a logical step forward, not because the New Caledonian market is overcrowded but because the company is implementing a development strategy. “our software are available in both French and English to facilitate our export strategy,” adds Karim Morghati. Geocal seeks to establish a presence in Papua New Guinea . In New Caledonia, the company’s projects are aimed at supporting its growth: tripling the size of its headquarters, increase its personnel and open an office in the North Province.
- Distillerie du Soleil
“The development of our export activities was greatly aided by the actions initiated by Avex. Indeed, the cluster’s efficiency in putting together delegations at showcases, most notably Japan’s Foodex, and its continuous efforts to establish contacts with professional importers in several countries enabled very promising relationships to be formed. Moreover, their reactivity is greatly appreciated. Avex is remarkable for its implication, efficiency and the quality of its customer service.”
I dag velger mange å handle medisiner på nett for å spare tid og unngå unødvendige prosesser. Når du ønsker å kjøp Levitra reseptfri, er det avgjørende å bruke en pålitelig plattform som garanterer produktkvalitet og sikkerhet. Nettbaserte tjenester gir rask tilgang til nødvendige produkter, samtidig som de sikrer diskresjon. Å kjøp Levitra reseptfri gir deg fordelen av en enkel og trygg prosess, hvor produktene leveres rett hjem til deg, raskt og uten komplikasjoner.
- Alphalog
Raphaël Alla and Julien Cozzi are the two Associate Managers of Alphalog, a company specialized in software project management and the designing of websites, which has been riding the exportation wave since its creation in 2007. “The development of our exportations was facilitated by the fact that I already owned a company in Australia and did so until 2013. We still have a contact in Australia tasked with maintaining a trade watch,”explains Raphaël Alla. Since 2013, the company exports its services in Vanuatu where it won a government contract for the development of software. “It allowed us to get a foot in the door. Since then, we hired a sales representative tasked with prospecting on behalf of the company,” Raphael Alla continues. During a computer showcase organized in Vanuatu in 2016, the two Associate Managers established new contacts and won a contract in the Salomon Islands. “We met the manager of a Melbourne-based company which did not have all the required expertise to respond to the call for tender. We entered in a partnership in which each party brings its expertise to the table” adds Julien Cozzi. Alphalog also has a partner in Indonesia where “we have a computer management support contract to implement a management software for a hotel in Java.” Members of NCT&I since early 2017, the two Associate Managers intend to rely on the cluster’s network to gain new contacts. In the last three years, Alphalog’s export revenue tripled and currently represents 17 % of the company’s activity.